Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Flies For Fishing

Flies For Fishing Biography
Fly Fishing Strategy Tips  Matters When choosing trout flies, the relative importance of fly characteristics in your selection, in order, should be: size, shape, color, and action (for stripped flies). In saltwater, action is often more important than exact size and shape. Flies or Tandem Rigs Dropper flies are a trout angler’s secret weapon. A simple dropper rig can be made by tying a small nymph onto 14-18 inches of tippet material tied to the bend of a dry fly. If the trout takes the nymph, the dry fly serves as your indicator. Nymphs can also be tied in tandem, enabling you to find out which nymph is working better. vs. Dry A fly’s construction determines whether it will float above the surface (dry flies), ride partially or completely submerged (emergers), or sink (nymphs and streamers). Fish expect their food sources to be in a particular part of the water column, and knowing where that is is important key to good fly selection.

Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing
Flies For Fishing

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