Fishing Shops Biography
Harry's Fishing Shop is located in eastern Catherby. It is a convenient location for players because it is close to many Fishing spots. Players can sell their unwanted fish here. sells basic fishing equipment including small fishing nets, fishing rods, Harpoons, Lobster pots, fishing bait, and big fishing nets. He carries a larger than normal supply of harpoons - 1000, which respawns 300 every 24 hours (one every 4 minutes 48 seconds), and provide an ample supply for Summoning needs. shop also sells pet fish. Harry will sell you a tiny net for ten coins to catch a pet fish from his in-store pools, but you must have a fishbowl with water and seaweed in it in order to get the net from Harry (purchased through his dialogue rather than the shop stock).
Fishing Shops
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