Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Fishing Knots

Fishing Knots Biography
Welcome to Fishing Knots  knots are primarily used for fishing, but some are useful in other . Select the knots from the index above or from the Fishing Usage page. selection of knots is based on feedback and advice from many expert fishing contributors to this website. In this section the  are listed in alphabetical order. Knot Characteristics  knots are designed to be tied in monofilament or braided fishing line and to run through the eyes and rings of a fishing rod or rig. Fishing line is cheap. The emphasis, therefore, is on compactness and reliability with no interest in being able to untie them. Many fishing knots employ multiple, tightly wound turns. The structure of such knots changes under load – outer wraps are pulled into the knot and the inner line becomes outer wraps. 
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots

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